Journal Papers

Refereed Papers in Professional Journals

  1. S. Yoo, M. Harman, S. Ur, ”GPGPU SBSE: Search Based Software Engineering Performance Improvement Using Graphics Cards” accepted to Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE)
  2. S. Copty, S. Fine, S. Ur, A. Ziv, “Probabilistic Alternative to Regression Suites”, Theor. Comput. Sci. 404(3): 219-234 (2008)
  3. Marina Biberstein, Eitan Farchi, Shmuel Ur, Choosing among alternative pasts, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, volume 19(3): 341—353  (2007)
  4. Eytani Y, Havelund K, Stoller SD, Ur S. Towards a framework and a benchmark for testing tools for multi-threaded programs. Concurrency and Computation:  Practice and Experience 19(3): 267–279  (2007)
  5. H. Azatchi, E. Marcus, L. Fournier, S. Ur, A. Ziv, K. Zohar, “Advanced Analysis Techniques for Cross-Product Coverage”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 55,  no. 11,  pages 1367-1379,  Nov.,  2006.
  6. Orit Edelstein, Eitan Farchi, Evgeny Goldin, Yarden Nir, Gil Ratsaby, Shmuel Ur: Framework for testing multi-threaded Java programs. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 15(3-5): 485-499 (2003)
  7. Orit Edelstein, Eitan Farchi, Yarden Nir, Gil Ratsaby, Shmuel Ur: Multithreaded Java program test generation. IBM Systems Journal 41(1): 111-125 (2002)
  8. Azaria Paz, Judea Pearl, Shmuel Ur: A new Characterization of Graphs based on Interception Relations. The International Journal of Graph Algorithms 22(2), 125-136 (1996)
  9. Shmuel Ur, Azaria Paz, the Representation Power of Probabilistic Knowledge by Undirected Graph and Directed acyclic Graphs: A comparison, International Journal of General Systems 22(2): 219-231 (1994)
  10. Shmuel Ur, Sigalit Ur, Algorithms for Choosing between Algorithms: Mase Hoshev 21(1): 57-60 (January 1994)
  11. S Copty, S Ur: Toward Automatic Concurrent Debugging Via Minimal Program Mutant Generation with AspectJ. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 174(9): 151-165 (2007)

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